Sunday, September 4, 2016

I wonder what else I can stick to the wall...?

As most of you know, we are big Harry Potter fans in this house.  I decided to frame some quotes for HPfan#1's room.  Thanks to the Internet and some frames I already had, she got some no-cost room decor.  Harry Potter gives good advice, too.

"It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities"
 (Albus Dumbledore) 
As we approach the end of elementary school, I think we will talk more and more about good choices.

"We've all got both light and dark inside us.  What matters is the part we choose to act on.  That's who we really are." (Sirius Black)
Amen, brother!

"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies but just as much to stand up to our friends."
(Albus Dumbledore)
That Dumbledore is full of deep stuff for elementary school and the future!

The end result is pretty cute if I do say so myself.

(Side note: It could just be me, but hanging pictures in this formation is REALLY hard.  Too much math and I never get it right the first time, resulting in lots of extra nail holes. However, this time after one nail-hole mishap I remembered these little Command hanging strips we had lying around and will probably never hang a picture with a nail again.  Just sharing because I was excited about the successful, no-swearing-involved picture hanging experience.)

While making these signs I was thinking about what other signs I'd like to post for our girls.  Here are some I may create in the future:

Pursue a passion, not a job.

Don't be an a**hole.  But don't be a doormat, either.

Get someone else to hold the picture, step back and assess before you hammer in the nail. (This works on a literal and metaphorical level! Also, I did not follow my own advice on this project, resulting in one excess nail hole.)

Never let your desire to be polite override your gut feeling.

Travel as much as you can before you have kids.

Boys have COOTIES.

Learn to say "No." gracefully.

Never pass up an opportunity to go to the bathroom.

Kindness and a sense of humor help almost every situation.

What life advice can you offer for my list?