Tuesday, February 14, 2017

A Love Letter to the Husband That Doesn't Buy Me Flowers

My Dear Husband,

You do not buy me flowers very often.

You also tend to claim, often at the wrong times, that we don't celebrate Valentine's Day because "Every day is like Valentine's Day around here." That's one of the reasons I love you: Your snarky sense of humor.

Back to the flowers. Maybe it's because back in my college feminist days I said "I don't need a man to buy me flowers." Or maybe when I told you that cut flowers are REALLY bad for the environment you took me REALLY seriously. I used to get a little upset by the no-flower thing, this past year has put that in perspective.

We were babies!
Almost 14 years of marriage had already solidified for me that, in fact, I do not need a man to buy me flowers. What I need is a man to pick up the slack when I'm sick in bed for a week. That's you. I need a man to bounce ideas off of when I can't decide if I'm all worked up over nothing or something huge. You are great at that too. And yes, my feminist side points out that I don't actually need a man for those things, But I am really glad it's you, anyway.

You are still my #1 partner for new
Seven months ago, when I told my friends that we were moving, one of them replied "You must really love your husband to quit your job and follow him to Arkansas!" I still laugh at humor and truth of this statement, but now I know for sure that I would follow you anywhere.

If you came home tomorrow and said "I took a job in Northern Saskatchewan." I would first say "What the hell is wrong with you?!?" but then I would follow you there. Because at the end of every day I am excited for you to come home. When something good happens you are the first person I want to tell. When something bad happens, you are quick to tell me "We will get through this together." You are there every time I, or our daughters, need you. What's more, you seem to enjoy being with us more than anything else, and that means a lot to me.

Don't go getting a big head now, because we all know nobody is perfect (and by that I specifically mean that YOU are not perfect) but you do a pretty amazing job of never letting me down when it matters.

You have said to me so often in these last months "I dragged you across the country. You should do what makes you happy." even though we both know you didn't have too much of a choice either. The grace and command with which you have handled our past year makes me feel far more appreciated than flowers ever could. I'm proud of the team we make together and I am thankful every day that our girls are growing up with you as a role model.

Te amo

P.S.- I worried this was too mushy to share with the Internet, but don't worry, no one really reads my blog anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Tom is a lucky guy!
    I read your blog. Please keep writing mushy stuff, the kids stuff, the life stuff. You put into well written your thoughts and adventures. I miss our daily lunch conversations...
