Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The "No Yelling Challenge" can lick my big, hairy...

mouth.  My big, hairy, YELLING mouth.

My mouth is not actually hairy.  I just wanted your attention.

For the past year I have been seeing the "30 Day No Yelling Challenge" online.  The "30 Day Plank Challenge" was bad enough.  I can barely plank for 30 seconds.  I digress.

The "No Yelling Challenge" makes me very angry.  The job of parents is to help their children to become functioning adults.  Do you know what makes it hard to be a functioning adult?  A lack of understanding of consequences.   Like I've said before, I'm no expert, but I did just finish my 14th year of teaching high school.  Do you know what's really obnoxious?  A 16-year-old that doesn't understand consequences.  I should not need to explain to a student that if you do not study, you will probably not do well.  I should not need to tell a crying kid (or an angry parent) that that if you copy your friend's essay, you will not receive points.  I have encountered many students who are genuinely confused by the fact that sometimes there are no second chances.

I always have my hair professionally styled before yelling at children.

Life is full of choices and consequences.  When you are thirty and you send a photo of your boobs to a co-worker, you get fired.  When you are in college and you plagiarize a paper, you fail the class.  When you are in high school and you vandalize mailboxes, you go to jail.  When you are in middle school and your friends bring beer to your Halloween party, you get majorly grounded.  When you are five and you are whining about having to fold THREE FREAKING TOWELS, you hear some yelling.  (These are all fictitious examples, I assure you.)

Consequences get more serious as children get older.  I would prefer that mine master the concept at five rather than thirty.

Have you ever seen such happy, well-adjusted looking towel folders?!?


  1. Lol. Audra, you're absolutely right and you make me laugh.

  2. Wait a minute . . . the middle school party was in OUR BACKYARD!!!
